The night is darkest before the dawn.
In life, this adventure we are all in, more times than not, we find ourselves feeling bad, scared or anxious. Even the most happy of human beings gets a little contemplative at times (Once a day to be exact, and usually in the shower). We all have things in our lives that we neither want nor can control. So what do we do?
In a single glance, it may seem that we are not masters of our fate. Far from it, a million unexpected coincidences and mere incidents happen for every single piece of our 'fate' to transpire, at least so it seems. The sheer numerosity of these factors make them incalculable for our brains. And so, by all appearances, we are powerless creatures waiting to be humbled by the massive forces of the universe.
WAIT. You're right, when I said 'by all appearances' earlier, I did mean to correct myself later on, to tell you that we really are masters of our own fates, and in doing so help at least some of you to have a slightly better day. But now I feel that an absolute concept of bad or good fate doesn't exist. All our lives, we've been hearing the same worked up nonsense about how life is filled with ups and downs and that we have to make our way through them. Sure, it feels great to listen to, and it kinda seems logical and fine at first, but when you find the time or the presence of mind to really listen to that sentence, it falls apart. How?
[DISCLAIMER: Anyone who's been drawing comfort from what I just described, anyone who's been using it to comfort themselves through tough times, please don't read on. I really don't want another curse, another guy (or gal, though unlikely) out to get my head.]
Because when you really think about it, if you don't really believe that life is a constructed maze (emphasis on constructed) with ups and downs so that you don't get bored and you end up learning lessons on overcoming hardships and moral and ethics in the end. things you're supposed to learn so you'll be able to get to places with clouds, rainbows and dancing girls (I meant heaven, please don't misunderstand), then you'll find yourself asking 'What's the point?'
Because all you'll ever be in a million years is fuel for stars, right? (See how I avoided using 'worm food'? Now that's genius.) And if that's all you'll achieve, what is the point of living THROUGH these things and passing these values on? Why should you help other people? They're all gonna die, whether you help them or not... And if you can help prolong their life, or make it better, or even if they do it to you, what's the difference? I could go on and on, but I think you get the point, and besides, if I go on, I might actually get myself into trouble.
You wanna know my solution? Well you've got to wait for that one.