I've often heard that an idle mind is the devil's workshop and everytime I've heard it, I couldn't help but disagree with it, because for me idling time usually means extra downtime for my mind, during which I can finish processing everything that I've been meaning to set aside for later. Even if I have something important and its not for another five minutes, I usually set everything else down and start to review the happenings of the day. This is probably why I'm always late (not by a large amount of time, usually marginal amounts, what I would call negligible but somehow everyone else disagrees on that point).
I've digressed far too much from my core point, which was that even though I love free time, these days with orientation and the general lack of structured classes it seems like even my oversized need for empty time has been accomodated to the excess. Perhaps it is this that led to my blogging grammar becoming questionable, although I blame creative licence.
Thanks to the accidental discovery of a solution, I have now started working on one of those projects which, as I have recently come to realise, may have a monumental impact both on my quality of living and possibly other things, if I am successful.
What is the project? I'm out of time, so I'm going to save that one for later.
Over and Out.