Saturday, May 14, 2011


Well, as I'd mentioned earlier, I went for WOW. Lots of stories there, but this is just for checking in and settling back into the Singapore state of mind (never knew there was such a thing).

Got back around noon yesterday. Took a shower, exchanged awkward looks with my room-mate as he got back, quickly got dressed and went out. Wanted to get something to eat, but I guess I ended up working on my bicycle. I guess I needed some time off to reflect.

This has become kind of ritualistic for me. Every time I have something I need to think about, or maybe just to get my bearings, I grab my toolkit and go work on my bicycle. Remove every part, work them out for creaks, squeaks and wobbles, wipe out dirt and re-oil them. It's usually a long process, and it helps me think. Finally, put them all together and go for a ride.

So, that was yesterday, although I didn't go for a ride. Just went back, and slept to some music, I don't even remember which. Woke up today, (gladly in time for breakfast) and felt like a new man.

Over and out.