Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Story of the Brothers Part III

Mistake two: You need to empathize with your subjects before you can rule them. If you can’t, get the hell out of there.

            So, where were we? Ah yes. Once they started ‘mingling’, these men realized that they were not familiar to this hostile new world. They could not understand or predict social interactions, they could not comprehend the thought processes of these inferiors. Suddenly, the dynamic which they once thought to be universal, flipped. They became the laughing stock, laughed at as freaks or geeks, and they once again had to take shelter in the comfort of their homes. But they had burnt all bridges behind them, and could not see a way forward. They were, in every sense of the word, struck down.

            It was after careful analysis that it hit them: they could not understand, predict or even mimic the thoughts of these creatures because it required the vanities and imperfections of a lesser mind, or ‘a mind less bound by the parameters of perfection’, to quote a famous movie. Even though they understood this, they had now reached an impasse, and I, as the story-teller, must leave you here, indefinitely waiting, until our heroes can find a way out.


P.S: If anyone was interested in the story, sorry about that. Holidays were coming up, and I wanted to divert my attention to the finer and darker pleasures of life (no pun intended). So for anyone out there that actually liked this story (I doubt there is) let me know and I’ll post another installment.