Mistake one: Always prototype.
When the brothers (let’s call them that from here, friends or companions don’t fit. After all, some of the strongest bonds in the world are not those of the blood) started out, they were confident and proud, and as all young men, they believed that they could change the world in a second if they so wished. However, it was only when they began that they realized that they had overlooked all but the results of their quest. Of course, whenever they had tried to plan or realize, they had been led into the world of day dreams by their overpowering ego and confidence. Well, now that they had reached this juncture, they knew there was no turning back.
Of course, if they tried really hard they could always get their old life back, because as I said earlier these were no ordinary men. They could easily settle for an ordinary life, maybe even a slightly better than ordinary life, even from nothing. But the important thing was that they did not want to. They knew that having come this far, taking even a single step back knowingly would be a decision they would regret forever. Of course, they could go back, but for them it now was equal to losing everything, because an ordinary life would never taste as good, every second of every day wasted in thinking what they could’ve been if they had taken the road less travelled by.