Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Be yourself?

In the end, all that matters is focus. Sorry, not focus. Focus can only make you aware of what it is you're aiming at, and where it is. Its not persistence either. Just myths created to make (us) lesser beings feel better about themselves by 'achieving' just a little more, getting 'closer to perfection'. You know what, perfection was never in your way. It was never in your stride. All you ever did was perfect your mistakes, chisel at your imperfections with your nails, polishing and wiping the post-it that was yourself, your 'character', your being. Because some day you'll look back and realize that you never did what you wanted, because the opportunity was staring you in the face all your life. And I'm not talking about a job opportunity or an opportunity in life, as it is perceived today, in 'popular culture'. I'm talking about the opportunity to realize that you could have done it. If you had only dared to change, dared to adapt, dared to transform, instead of sticking to the ideals and billboard slogans like 'be yourself' and taking joy in what you were because you were 'unique', you would've gotten where you wanted to go. Yourself, or your ambitions. Your choice.

Because whoever said don't look back was a moron.

Over and out.