Well, I'm waiting for some things to finish downloading, so I thought What the hell, a birthday post with a little bit of slumming it wouldn't hurt.
Right. Context. It was my birthday yesterday (well, technically it was the day before yesterday, but I wrote this post yesterday so it whatever :)), and I just want to say that it was... amazing. I'm not usually one for surprises and birthday parties, but since its not a way of saying I don't like them, it was quite enjoyable. It really makes you understand what the point of celebrating birthdays is. It's all about revitalizing your connections, remembering people you've forgotten, and in all just refreshing your friends page. Look at me, I talked to people I'd completely forgotten about, I got back in touch with them and found out what was going on. It was nice. The entire social custom has always intrigued me, and this has actually helped me get to the bottom of it. Well, I just want to say that it has been awesome living another year with the best of mental, physical and social faculties a man could ask for, and even though there are things in my life I wouldn't mind changing a bit, I rejoice completely in the fact they are nowhere near significant. Let's hope they'll never be.
Over and out.
P.S: And I'm just curious. How do you end a bracketed sentence with an emoticon? :)) just looks ridiculous but is syntactically right, and :) is nicer but i confusing. (If anyone's found solutions, let me know ;))