Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Beginning.

In the past few days my idle mind has taken on a rare obsessive-compulsive behavior that comes close to a disorder. I sit, sometimes for hours on end, poring through the endless sea of my electronic conversations and exchanges, namely everything in my numerous email accounts. I am forced to travel years back in time to figure out why what I said or heard made sense. It wasn't a stroll through memory lane, it was a breakneck race to the beginning of the track....

Why? Quite simply put, to find out how a relationship began. And by relationship, I'm referring to every possible connection that one human being can have to another, including friendships, love and family. You see, I have been troubled by the fact that I know nothing about how a long lasting friendship begins, or how a love story goes in its first few pristine pages. Wherever I look, be it in the public or private domain, or in the deep crevices of my own mind, all I find are the golden days and the golden moments of each bond: The things you did together. But the moment I'm searching for predates all of them.