Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Perchance to dream...

It is man's ability to dream that has doomed us all.

     It is his ability to fancy, whim and imagine that has eventually led to our decay. Why else do men, great men with the potential to hold the world at their fingertips and control everything around them, resign themselves to watching other men, lesser men, achieve only a hundredth of what they themselves were capable of if only they could find the will to act? Why is our society filled with rot, filth and madness?

     What if. That, inevitably, is the answer, and the question that has crippled many a great man. Many have attempted to convey their dilemmas, many have shouted off rooftops: “to be…”

     Or not to be. It is this fear, this un-disillusionable voice of reason that prevents us from becoming that we are truly capable of. If only we could not look before we leap, if only we could not consider the possibilities. Why doesn’t anyone see that where there has been no danger, no looming sense of destruction, there has been no accomplishment? We must accept that creating a new path is not easy. Far from it, it is terrifying. But when will we understand, so is walking the worn-down path, to a future you can no longer recognize?

     Forgo the ramblings of a humble wayfarer, who could not contain himself. After all, what would you do if you stumbled upon the realization that the entire world was insane, save for you?